Announcing Asserts Freemium Edition

Becoming a root cause guru just got easier

We are excited to announce a Free Forever version of Asserts for anyone that wants to add intelligence and automation to their Prometheus data. Operationalizing Prometheus can be a challenge and now teams can leverage the Asserts Correlation Intelligence™ and Knowledge Base™ capabilities in the free forever edition.

Prometheus gives teams the power to take control of their observability data and escape the clutches of an ever increasing APM bill.  However, after collecting millions of metrics, processing and analyzing all that data is human intensive.  The Asserts freemium edition comes with the following functionality to help teams make the most of their Prometheus investment:

The Asserts Knowledge Base™ - No More Toil

  • Library of rules - A set of prewritten alert rules based on common infrastructure & runtime failures so you don’t have to maintain these complex PromQL rules.
  • Curated contextual dashboards - Asserts automatically and dynamically links to technology specific Grafana dashboards with context, eliminating the need to create and maintain dashboards.

Asserts Correlation Intelligence™ - Root Cause Insights

  • Living Entity Graph - Asserts correlates related issues when a problem happens using a living entity graph that maps out the relationships between all infrastructure and application components.
  • Root Cause Workbench - These affected components are automatically correlated into a single timeline view to quickly identify root cause insights.
  • In context linking to traces and/or log aggregation tools
  • Operationalize SLOs to align with service availability requirements
  • Receive notifications on many different channels: Slack, MSTeams, PagerDuty, OpsGenie, etc.

You can get started today by installing Asserts in your environment using a convenient Helm chart.  So what are you waiting for? Start Asserting Now!